Electric Trucks Need To Improve In 2024 In Order to Survive

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As far as anyone in electric trucking should be aware, that subsection of the industry should really be more conscientious of the various ways that the industry is lacking. Whether it was due to recalls for explosive batteries or charging infrastructure falling behind, those are just two of the slew of issues plaguing electric commercial vehicles. Electric charging depots are being built in response to this, and even two legacy OEMs are upgrading their single-charge driving ranges for early Class 8 electric vehicles.

Heck, there’s even a startup getting in on the game by putting their attention on the production of lithium-ion phosphate batteries, which could very easily go about crating beyond 600 miles on only one charge.

In any case, no matter how you see it, 2024 will have to be the year that fixes the mistakes made in 2023, if the electric trucking powers that be are able to survive another day at the races.

Some of these improvements include:

Two Times The Discounts For Small Fleets

Calstart has been administering HVIP for the purposes of the CARB calming down. Therefore, the funds will be shifted towards smaller fleets where available. As a result, electric trucks are going to benefit the best from this in getting re-ups on equipment, maintenance and electricity in a single monthly payment.

Medium-Dirty Electric Trucks Will Have Greater Prominence

An uptick in medium-duty electric trucks is likely to rise this year. To begin with, the imports from Daimler Truck from the Rizon Class 4-5 modes are underway. As is the electric chassis that can be easily applied to vocational and utility-type trucks alike.

When it comes to how they charge, the medium-duty trucks are able to charge up using Level 2 or alternating current charging methods. Which are easier to set up, given that that they are more popular as the aforementioned trucks can charge overnight.

Hydrogen-powered fuel cell trucks will be welcomed in

Many hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric trucks are sure to be sold, but only with heavy encouragement and lobbying for more vast infrastructure on the part of the manufacturers such as Nikola and partners like Voltera.

The Incentive Is Starting To Shift Gears

The Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Project will give millions of dollars to fleets in California that find themselves having to best manage the upfront cost of acquiring the electric trucks. However, this year may be the last year so many folks in the electric trucking arena can get a Class 8 Battery Electric for only $168,000. In other words, they’re becoming much more expensive to lease, let alone purchase.

Electric Trucks Are Likely To Bounce Back, soon enough.

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